Have God in the first place

Be connected to the Lord by love


By: Apostle Valdemiro Santiago

Have God in the first place
PHOTO: Eduardo Pinto

Many people have saints or any idols as Christ, some even regard Him as man. The Bible says that people idolatrized Herod so much, even after killing the Bishop James, the people said it was God's voice. A coward is not God's voice. The Lord released worms to eat Herod's flesh. We have worms, and we are not eaten because God doesn't allow that. Devil's wish is to put an end to us. God allowed devil to touch Job's life, and he suffered very much. Devil has already wished touching us, destroying us so many times, everyone was called by him to suffer. The one who Satan suggests not being blessed, Jesus has already begged in favor. Sometimes, due to any frustration or fight, we mourn, complain about humiliation, claim for recognition. There are so many people Satan claimed for and God let him touch, but God didn't let Satan touch you. Jesus said Satan came to rob, kill, and destroy. You are before God singing, worshiping, and praying while Jesus intercedes on behalf of us with the Father. When we don't realize, and we don't recognize that, we don't show our gratitude, so we disappoint Him.

The fact that you belong to God doesn't mean you were born from God. All of us belong to Him. We have to be eternally thankful for Jesus. Most of the churches teach bargaining. Our biological parents were not always able to provide us with what we need, but God has what you need, and He can provide you with everything, but He wants you to love Him unrelated to what He can give you.

There are Christians connected to God by love and others connected to Him by blessing. If there were a drought condition, those Christians connected by blessing would get colder. In Jeremiah, it is said that the one who loves God is like a tree planted near the water and even with drought keeps with Him. In time of drought, it seems like our prayers don't get to God, but they do. The one who was born from God is the one who recognizes that Jesus is the Christ and has a connection, which is the genetic inheritance, God's DNA. Problems show up, but they continue at God's feet. Without drought, how would we be tested? Therefore, we go through periods of drought, of desert. Those who were born from God never doubt about anything God says even in the desert. It's necessary for us to have a close relationship with God, without any conditions for love or loyalty to God, and never care about what the Lord promises. One thing is your relationship with God; another is miracle and your satisfaction. In moments of drought, your prayer becomes much stronger. Before this condition, prayers must be thankful ones. If you are in the mud, every day when you wake up or even without sleeping, every day thank Him because there is a very powerful Person begging on behalf of you. You will have a turnover in your life and you will be come like the one who dreams. Never deceive yourself because no man will set you where you need to be, and no one is able to fulfill your dreams, just God. He will do so. I can't cross you in the desert, not even any other person but Jesus. Just Jesus is able to do that. Even Jesus in the desert just saw the Holy Spirit and the devil, anyone else. In the desert, you won't see anyone with you either. No one stays in the desert, but crosses it. Everything might seem lonely, far, but the Holy Spirit is there with you helping you succeed. The world is drought, desert, adversity, and Jesus said you and I will face afflictions in the world, but we have to have good cheer to win. If you believe in the Word, you will face difficulties, you will have frustrations, but you won't be defeated. In the morning, your cry will turn into joy. The Worldwide Church of God's Power is based on this word and those who cry will certainly be joyful. Psalm 126 says, “Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy. Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them.” Your miracles will be so great that it will be difficult for you to bring them all. Elijah heard the thunder by faith before and made it rain. Don't be frightened by thunders because God will make spiritual signals come to your life. Those who were born from God is a winner, and we just win when we have adversaries and challenges. Every time you face an adversary or a challenge, celebrate and thank God because it 's your turn to win. Remember that your adversary has neither weapon you have, nor rights over you. Never mind about the world being against you. Practice a lot the prayer of Thanksgiving. You may beg, clamor, and call out, but the prayer to strengthen in the one of Thanksgiving. Among all of your projects and investment, the best thing you do is to invest in your relationship with God like a son and the Father. Never see benefits in God, see your father. Always talk to Him through prayers and you will win. You may be in the edge, at the bottom of the hill, but you have reasons to believe that God will take you out of this condition and change your history. Be calm because devil will never touch you. Our faith is responsible for our victory over the world. Faith is for every one and it provides us with rewards.





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“I will praise the LORD according to his righteousness: and will sing praise to the name of the LORD most high.”

(Psalm 7:17)
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