From desperate to healed

“Later I understood that God talks to me through the bishop`s life in order to rescue me.”


Article by: Victor Correa

From desperate to healed
PHOTO: José Monteiro

Due to an illness in her stomach, the resident of Barreiras, Bahia, 68, Célia Maria de Souza Oliveira, almost lost her life. “For almost ten years I had a bacteria in the intestine. It was one which took hard actions and made me have doctor`s appointments almost everyday. I went through several treatments, took several remedies, but everything the doctors prescribed, nothing was enough to kill that bacteria. As time went by, the it affected the bladder, and then it evolved to a cancer.”

Celia says that when she got to know about the cancer, first she got really desperate. “I was away from home for three days and I didn`t say anything to my family. I spent three days in the forest near the agricultural area where my home is located. Then, my husband found me and persuaded me to come back home.”

At home, the hope arose to Celia. “After I came back, I turned on the TV set, so I found the program of the Worldwide Church of God`s Power. I could hear they talking about Jesus Christ. I never paid attention to what churches talk about on TV and I had never seen the program, but through the program of this ministry, God touched my heart and I decided to follow it. The TV set was never off. I didn`t change the channel anymore. Since the first day I watched, the bishop Jorge Pinheiro preached and it was like he knew about my life. He talked to me through the program without knowing about me. He started talking and I got goose bumps. I thought how he could do it, however, I understood that God was telling me what I needed to hear through his life. At the same moment I asked God for forgiveness of my life and I started seeking the Lord.” Jolty, Celia testified the Power of God to the bishop Jorge Pinheiro on the altar. “Jesus found me, talked to me and I ran to Him. At home, in bed, God performed His work in my life and healed me. I`m very thankful for this ministry, for introducing me Jesus and I glorify God for my life very much.”


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“ I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, LORD, only makest me dwell in safety.”

(Psalm 4.8)
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