God is with you

“I glorify God for the open doors to me and my family”


Article by: Victor Correa

God is with you
PHOTO: Eduardo Pinto

“I suffered with a problem in my lips that parts of it fell due to the wounds I had”, tells Gabriel Martins Batista, 18, about how his health was before. “The doctors used to get pieces of my lips in order to have exams and try to find out what it was. It started with a blister under my tongue and it burst and it bled very much, it hurt, it scratched, and I couldn`t eat well.”

During the period that Gabriel lived in this condition, his family also suffered under financial issues. My parents tried to help me, but they couldn`t afford it. We lived under favor condition in a room over a small bar and almost starved. Paying treatments was impossible; our financial situation was really hard. I was about ten and couldn`t go to school because my mouth stank, people used to ask me about it and I didn`t know what to say. My weight was low and my health wasn`t that good.”

The history of Gabriel and family changed when Jesus Christ got into his case. “We got to know Jesus on TV through the work of the Worldwide Church of God`s Power. We came to the church and at that time, the bishop Jorge left a healing word. From that day on, the pain was gone and our financial condition started to change. At the Holy Supper in the same month, it was burning, but I was able to eat a little, and the following day, I ate a barbecue with almost no pain. After that, my mouth didn`t hurt anymore and the disease was gone; the wounds were healed for the glory of God” Gabriel concluded his testimonial telling the work fully. “God also provided me with a good financial situation and today, we have two houses and I`m having another one built. We have three cars, two houses, and tomorrow I`m going to have an interview at the hospital. I glorify God for the open doors for me and my family”.


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"Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest."

(Ecclesiastes 9.10)
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