"I left Krakow"

Former Street Dweller and Chemical Dependent Counts How Christ Restored His Life


"I left Krakow"

The lack of emotional balance led André Gomes do Nascimento, a 30-year-old Bahia, to the streets. He abandoned his family for not being able to deal with constant disagreements, opening space in his heart for pain and bitterness to reign. Lost in his thoughts, he travels to São Paulo and seeks solace in drugs. The vice attracts him to the Cracolândia where he lived for 4 years. The very place where he almost lost his life was the direction that presented him to Christ.

"I was with drink and drugs in my hands when I was approached by one of the pastors of the IMPD, I did not want to receive the prayer in any way, except that when I realized I was on the floor with my knees bent and a circle of brothers praying for me. On that day, I accepted the invitation and began to do the treatment in the house of recovery of the World Cup.

The change André experienced freed him from the stupefying and branding of the soul. Cured of the bad memories, today, it has a restored relationship with the relatives and visits whenever possible to the daughter of 14 years. "The greatest joy we have is to see those lives being helped." The liberation of them is the Lord Jesus who does, "Bishop Amaury de Farias spoke on the altar of the World City of God's Dreams, in Brás, in the cult of the Urgent Miracle where the testimony was shared. Opportunity The World Therapeutic Community is located in the city of Ibiúna, in the interior of São Paulo. The inmates are accompanied individually in discipleship meetings and participate in two daily worship services. The process of liberation, based on the Word of God, has two priority moments: the total abandonment of vices and the process of re-socialization. Worried about the professional relocation of the inmates, the space director, the worker Márcio Alexandre de Barros, appealed to the businessmen. "We want to give these guys a chance to look for the nearest IMPD, it's very important that they have to take care of themselves when they leave the house."


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"But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him."

(Hebrews 11:6)
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