First Event IDE –Gerando Salvação (Generating Salvation)

The work aims at contributing to evangelize communities in need


First Event IDE –Gerando Salvação  (Generating Salvation)
PHOTO: Eduardo Pinto

Performed on this Saturday, August 12th, 2017, the event IDE, promoted by the program Gerando Salvação, shown live by the Pastor Raquel Santiago, in the park Parque Total, in Santa Isabel, São Paulo. The event broadcasted live, was made in favor of evangelization. “The event is called IDE, according to the commandment of Jesus, for us to contribute spreading the message of the Gospel in Brazil and worldwide,” explains the Pastor.

The event, which started at 11 am, counted with the presence and participation of Apostle Valdemiro Santiago, Bishop Franciléia, Bishop Jorge Pinheiro, a Pastor Nina, singer Juliana Santiago and the singers Pastor Lucas, Rafael Araújo, Elaine Martins, Ao Cubo, Bruna Karla, Coral Kemuel, Soraya Moraes and Marquinhos Gomes. All the amount of money collected was sent to the Association Projeto Cidadão (Project for Citizens), or APC, volunteers who need support.

APC, founded in 2004, is backed by donations, volunteers and missionaries who apply the project of health, education, training, culture, community development, and leisure, among other activities focused on community development and betterment. The IDE – Gerando Salvação (Generating Salvation) helped to improve the work performed by APC in Boame and Moamba, both in Africa, in Maputo and Mozambique, respectively. The amount donated will use in works of infrastructure, such as schools, health care, artesian wells, besides fulfilling other needs of local communities The event, which gathered a crowd and the support of Geração Jovem Mundial (the Worldwide Young Generation), also welcomed the presence of the mayor of Santa Isabel, Fábia Porto, as well as donations of chocolate from the chocolate manufacturer PAN, for attendants and the event. A message was ministered among songs and worship for God. Other gifts, rewards, and sweepstakes cheered all of the attendees’ lives in this great event, whose objective is to spread God`s Word in Brazil and Worldwide. There will more very soon, watch the program of Gerando Salvação, on Sundays and get further information about the work of IDE -Gerando Salvação. If you want to contribute and be part of the work of God, visit the site to learn about new ways of donations. “The world needs love, and this love is from God,” declared the Bishop Franciléia. Do your part helping the work of God. Faith with no work is dead.


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"Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee."

(Genesis 12.1)
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